Monday, April 20, 2009

Mary O'Donoghue and her NDP Family Secrets

Current Position: Appointed Executive Director of Caucus by Carole James.

Past Positions: Director of NDP Caucus Research, Executive Director of NDP Caucus.

Family Connections: There are few friends tighter than O’Donoghue, John Horgan and Ian Reid. These three were among the most influential staff members of the NDP governments in the 1990s. Following the NDP’s defeat in 2001, the three close friends took their severances and formed a company together. While the private sector seemed exciting when the NDP had only two seats, the prospect of returning to the NDP and gaining a regular, taxpayer-funded paycheque was just too hard to resist. John Horgan became the NDP MLA for Juan de Fuca, Ian Reid worked his way up to becoming Carole James’ Chief of Staff and O’Donoghue is running the caucus again.

Family Secrets: The secret we all want to know is this – by what criteria did three architects of the NDP decade of decline qualify to become trusted advisors to Carole James? Fool me once, shame on you…

1 comment:

  1. You mean the decade of decline that outperformed the last 8 years of the Liberal decade of destruction?
