Current Position: NDP star Candidate for New Westminster
Past Positions: Director of Vancouver Cabinet Offices during Glen Clark government. NDP MP on Jack Layton’s and Audrey McLaughlin’s team..
Family Connections: Dawn is also very connected within the NDP. She was an enthusiastic supporter of both Audrey McLaughlin and Glen Clark during their leadership campaigns. Her son David is a senior official in COPE378 and a long time executive member for Jack Layton’s NDP. David is married to NOW Communications senior account manager Maya Russell. Remember how much money NOW Communications made from government work in the nineties?
Family Secrets: Remember the fast ferries? Record private sector job loss? The fair wage policy? Jobs for Timber? These were all Cabinet Decisions. Dawn was the director of the Vancouver Cabinet Offices. And now she is back as part of the Carole James team.
Past Positions: Director of Vancouver Cabinet Offices during Glen Clark government. NDP MP on Jack Layton’s and Audrey McLaughlin’s team..
Family Connections: Dawn is also very connected within the NDP. She was an enthusiastic supporter of both Audrey McLaughlin and Glen Clark during their leadership campaigns. Her son David is a senior official in COPE378 and a long time executive member for Jack Layton’s NDP. David is married to NOW Communications senior account manager Maya Russell. Remember how much money NOW Communications made from government work in the nineties?
Family Secrets: Remember the fast ferries? Record private sector job loss? The fair wage policy? Jobs for Timber? These were all Cabinet Decisions. Dawn was the director of the Vancouver Cabinet Offices. And now she is back as part of the Carole James team.
To see more NDP family members go to http://www.votesmartbc.com/node/100
I hardly think it is fair to place blame for the fast ferries or private sector job loss on someone who was not even in government when these unfortunate events took place. I think it would be more appropriate to look at the record of this candidate through the work she has done during her tenure as an MP. In her first term, she was a stark advocate for women's rights and fought tirelessly for the protection of public health care. More recently, she has taken action on criminal justice reform through numerous private member's bills and has done some remarkable work on Afghanistan as the National Defence Critic for the NDP. There is no reason to believe that she will not bring this commitment to positive social change into provincial politics.