Thursday, April 9, 2009

Comparing the abysmal record of the NDP to now....Part 4

Investment and jobs are most important to an economically vibrant province. The final years of NDP government showed just how abysmal they were at managing our provincial affairs.

click the chart for full size

It’s simple – BC outperformed the rest of Canada under the Liberals and our province failed miserably when the NDP was in power.

Carol James and the NDP. Wrong party, Wrong leader, Wrong time.


  1. You shouldn't be so proud of the construction stats, since it was the over inflation in the construction market that was a a main source of the current economic troubles. Or, are you pointing to the fact that Campbell and Liberals are responsible for BC also being one of the hardest hit provinces by the recession?

    Hurrah, you blew up a bubble and built a bunch of projects that weren't needed by the market. I am sure their are a ton of home owners glad you over supplied the housing market.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. NDP economics is sure-fire race to the bottom. The NDP doesn't care if BC drowns in a financial quagmire as long as their overpaid union buddies can make the province more and more uncompetitive. Have you ever tried to fire a lazy, grossly incompetent, or even dangerous unionized employee?
    If BC is to survive the current economic turmoil it must become globally competitive and agile. The NDP and BC unions are anti-competitive and mired in greedy leftist philosophy.
    And, anyone who thinks that the NDP helps the disadvantaged: think again. The Clark NDP is the root of homelessness. They are the ones who kicked the mentally ill out into the streets.

  4. Please vote BC Conservative. Much better than NDP.
