Friday, May 8, 2009

Jenn McGinn and her NDP family secrets

Current Position: NDP Candidate in Vancouver-Fairview

Past Positions: NDP MLA for Vancouver-Fairview

Family Connections: McGinn is connected to the NDP network in Fairview, which includes CUPE Vice President Paul Faor and city councilor and former BC Federation of Labour Executive Director Geoff Meggs.

Family Secrets: McGinn is the latest NDP candidate to launch personal attacks in what has become the most negative campaign by the NDP in BC history. Carole James offered her usual half hearted apology.


  1. WOW, talk about calling the kettle black.
    BC Liberals claim that the NDP are fear mongering and using dirty tricks to get elected.
    Take a look at all the special interest groups that have sprung up under the BC Liberals and are using fear mongering, example.
    -Independant Power Producers
    -Private liquor stores
    -BCTV's medial coverage(lack there of)

    WOW, the special interest groups are really showing there faces.

  2. Anon, watch this YouTube playlist and you'll get why the oppo to the NDP by the end.

  3. I just switched on some of those videos. Wow. What a waste of time. That white haired dufus is one of the most awkward politicians I have ever seen.

    And you "love" him? Yeah, that's a great reason to vote Conservartive. I mean Liberal. I mean Conservative. What are BC Liberals anyway?

    Look, I agree that attack ads may seem juvenile, but arguing over who started the cycle is even more so. And this whole Family Secret riff you're using here to attack a politician's integrity? Come on, we're all grown ups. How is it that knowing other politicians, union reps, and community leaders is a bad thing. Would you prefer someone brought up in a bubble? You're not looking for political leaders, you're looking for Jesus.

    Stop wasting our time. And for the love 'a gawd, learn how to produce a decent video. That stuff was trash.

  4. Take a look at all the special interest groups that have sprung up under the BC Liberals and are using fear mongering, example.
    -Independant Power Producers
    -Private liquor stores
    -BCTV's medial coverage(lack there of)

    WOW, the special interest groups are really showing there face Look, I agree that attack ads may seem juvenile, but arguing over who started the cycle is even more so. And this whole Family Secret riff you're using here to attack a politician's integrity? Come on, we're all grown ups. How is it that knowing other politicians, union reps, and community leaders is a bad thing. Would you prefer someone brought up in a bubble? You're not looking for political leaders, you're looking for Jesus.

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