Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bonnie Rai and her NDP family secrets

Current Position: NDP Candidate for Abbotsford South

Past Positions: Ran as a member of Jack Layton’s team during the last federal election.

Family Connections: Rai was a relative unknown until she ran for the federal NDP in the last election where she finished third.

Family Secrets: Rai likes to take shots at her opponents…until she is caught. Then she has problems taking responsibility for her own actions.


  1. bla bla bla. does anyone view this trashy site?
    this site reminds me of watching CNN, so biased and of course one sided.
    face it Phil, your organization needs a make over-starting with you.
    ICBA and Votesmartbc needs to move out of the past century and into the future.

  2. Bonnie Rai is the sister of FV gangsters

  3. Bonnie is a good person with a heart of gold.

    Enthusiasm, passion, and drive define her spirit.

    No, she's not 'perfect', ... who is?

    Stop casting stones!
