Friday, March 13, 2009

The company they keep

Did you know that NDP is a member of Socialist International? This is a world-wide alliance of socialists who believe, we assume, all the same ideals as Carole James and Jack Layton.

Yup, there sits the NDP, along with the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua, the New Space Party of Uruguay and Panama's Democratic Revolutionary Party.

Oh look who else is in this illustrious company -- the Democratic Socialists of America. What kind of group is this? Well, on the DSA website, they say:

“Key to economic democracy is a democratic labor movement that plays a central role in the struggle for a democratic workplace, whether worker or privately owned. In workplaces that the employees do not own – traditional corporations, family businesses, government, and private nonprofits – only independent, democratically run unions can protect workers.”

Hmmm, that sounds so much like the BC NDP. Remember the 1990s when they tried to legislate union rules onto non-unionized workplaces? If their brothers and sisters at the DSA want to force everyone who works for a living to join a union, no doubt they’d also support Carole James’ NDP when they try to get rid of the secret ballot vote when workers are choosing whether or not to join a union (imagine the peer pressure from the socialists without the secret vote!).

Just goes to show that the company the NDP keeps really does speak to their desire to prop up unions and hurt small family-run businesses.

Carole James and the NDP. Wrong party, wrong leader, wrong time.


  1. Unbelievable!!! What a find. This is the kind of thing that people need to know

  2. This has been the case for at least 40 years. Really, it is a stretch.

    It is also includes such parties as the SPD in Germany, part of the governing coalition, Labour in the UK and Australia, both in government.

    I could go on and on.

  3. The most galling part is that the NDP (except for outgoing MLA Corky Evans) try to pretend that they're for free markets, business, etc.

    The dishonesty is appaling. I disagree vehemently with their policy positions, but would at least respect them if they would say honestly, "We believe in socialism . . ."

    We live in a democracy; people are free to have divergent views on politics. I'm good with that. But the NDP don't have the b*lls to stand up for their beliefs. They're dishonest.

  4. Would you call Labour in the UK socialist?

    No one is being dishonest, the NDP is a social democratic party and has references to that fact in its constitution. Y'all are make a big deal about nothing.

    If the NDP is socialist, then the Liberals are fascists.


    Unbelievable, we Believable, but WOW

  6. Don't forget, it was the right-wing economists and politicians that got us into the financial mess we are in. It is time to get vote out these economists and politicians and put some just and sustainable policies in place.

  7. I really get the sense that alot of these BC Liberal blogs are written by political neophytes. It has been well know for years that the NDP is a member of the Socialist International. The NDP is after all a Democratic Socialist party, this is not as Sharpie said " a find." It's been public knowledge for years.

    The SI also include the Australian, British, Irish, and North Ireland Labour parties. In fact Tony Blair and Jack Layton co-chaired a meeting several years ago.

    Again stop trying to whip some McCarthy style hay over nothing.

  8. You're blaming right-wing economists and politicians for the mess we're in?

    This "mess" started years ago in SOCIALIST countries in Europe. Look at the unemployment rates in these great socialist paradises. Socialism has FAILED in Europe and all these countries are returning to right-wing near-fascist governments.

    Not only that, but if banks etc. in the US were following conservative economics, we definitely wouldn't be in the mess we're in. They were following GREEDY and ultimately FOOLISH economics.

    Socialism has failed 10x over; those that argue for it are the same kind that say "Communism works on paper". I live in reality, not in a 1st year university textbook.

  9. Wow, James.

    You have no clue about anything.

    Long live ignorance, long live the BC Liberals.
