Wednesday, February 11, 2009

NDP in need of acronym translator ASAP, current one MIA

The NDP is running scared after the Vote Smart BC campaign launched. So scared that they’ve created a website mocking our campaign. But they’ve missed the point, and can’t even focus their attack on the right group. One email sent to promote their fake website said Vote Smart BC was launched by the “Independent Contractors Business Association”, and another said it was from the “Independent Contractors and Builders Association. We’re pretty sure they know what the BCTF, HEU, and BCNU acronyms are for, but they just can’t quite seem to zone in on what ICBA is an acronym for.

The group behind Vote Smart BC is the “Independent Contractors and Businesses Association”, something the NDP and their supporters would know if they actually took the time to read our site, or even googled “ICBA BC.” Can we really turn our economy over to a group that can’t even look up the right name for something they oppose?

Of course we really should thank them for giving us more exposure!

And for the record, ICBA is a member-based organization that represents open shop construction companies in BC. If the NDP could find our website, they’d see that we offer a full suite of member services, including affinity programs, insurance and health plans, apprentice programs, education, networking and other benefits for family-owned construction businesses in BC. Our website, in case you want to let the NDPers behind the failed attack know, is


  1. The difference as I see it is that ICBA is there to enhance and support small businesses as opposed to Unions that only use small businesses as a way to generate income for themselves through dues from the employees. The NDP (No Darn Progress)are one step up from the Union mentality of lets all sink to the lowest common denominator and take away all incentive to be the best we can be! We have been involved with both ICBA and Unions (NDP)and I can attest that there is an astounding difference! ICBA is all about enhancing a business and therefore the employees, whereas the Union could care less about the business that is keeping people working - it is only interested in keeping itself strong so it can continue to bully the average citizen with an assortment of painful strikes!

  2. To Be Or Not To Be Is More the Question as BC has the Highest Unemployment for the month of January, with February looking even bleaker. Hard to Compete with that and blame it on the Global economy or better yet Liberals breaking all the rules incentive where you get to be the lowest you can as rules no longer apply. As its a free for all with TILMA and Corporate Welfare in the Billions, CEO style. And what about the BC Recession we are in with Inflation biting at our heals and its turning real ugly and thats no doubt with an all but vanished social safety net who has the piped piper stealing away BC Babes as record number of predators on the prowl. AS BC Babes the poorest of the poor and forced into prositution. Thats it that the bottom Line they can't be Trusted as Its One Big Secret and no doubt its One Big Lie? Did you know that about Secrets and Secret Keepers as Campbell's Government has a closed mouth, closed door policy unlike any Democratic Government, well maybe Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini? Anyways thats what the experts if they are into Secrets then they are into Lies as they go hand in hand. Do you think these leaders had control problems or addictions problems as read Hitler and Mussolini had a real booze problem.

  3. And Last Thing If There Wasn't for Unions most of you would still be digging ditches with your hands and living in squabbles as the rich and greedy ensure they have slaves of plenty; Six dollar training wage and eight dollar hourly wage make it impossible to survive and work creating an enormous human bounden on slave work force.
